Session 1: Participatory Modeling for Sustainable Water Resource Management
9:30 AM - 10:50 AM | Room 62 (Lower level)
Blue Accounting: Participatory System Modeling For Great Lakes Water Quality
Samuel Molnar and Steve Cole
Great Lakes Commission
In 2013, Great Lakes governors and the premier of Ontario called for a comprehensive approach to monitoring the results of investments in Great Lakes water resources. In response to this call, the Blue Accounting strategy is a participatory system modeling program which supports the development of consensus-based goals for Great Lakes water resources management, then creates, maintains and delivers measures of progress (“metrics”) toward these goals through a basin-wide information architecture.
Participatory System Dynamics for Sustainable Water Resource Management: Case Study—Updating and Testing the Palouse Basin Participatory Model
Korey Lynn Woodley
Washington State University
In order to address complex environmental and social concerns, many agencies and communities are turning to participatory system dynamics modeling techniques. The Palouse Basin participatory model, established by Allyson Beall King at Washington State University, was developed in a collaborative manner by various agencies in order to balance various social values. It was designed to be used as both an educational tool and a decision support tool. This research revolves around updating the model with the newest Palouse Basin data and increasing the usability of the model by seeking feedback from users on its interface.
Collaborative Modeling in the Spokane River Basin: Engaging Stakeholders to Explore Basin-Wide Water Management Strategies
Melanie Thornton and Allyson Beall King
Washington State University
Complex issues related to climate change cannot be understood from a single disciplinary perspective, thus collaboration among diverse perspectives is essential for addressing water resource management strategies. This research focuses on a collaborative modeling project in the Spokane River Basin that will allow stakeholders and scientists to jointly address regional water resource management decisions. We developed a collaborative hydrologic model, based in OASIS software, that integrates technical scientific information with local knowledge and interests to explore basin-wide management strategies. This participatory process aims to better understand how water resource decisions may change in the context of climate change.